
Dotato di due testine di stampa Kyocera.
Stazione di tappatura
Pulizia automatizzata con due spazzole tergicristallo.
Pompe peristaltiche
Le pompe di livello industriale garantiscono un flusso di inchiostro regolare e stabile
Asciugatura ad aria calda
Due unità di asciugatura ad aria calda per una stampa stabile della carta.
Pannello di controllo frontale
Per un comodo controllo della tensione e della temperatura.
Velocità di stampa su carta transfer
Magnetic Linear Motor And Steel Beam
Rail beam made of reinforced steal for durability and precision straightness
Improves the stability of print the head carriage’s back and forth movement
Carriage speed of 1.2 m/s
Take-up & Media Handling
Tension adjustable feeding and winding
- Tension adjustable feeding system
- Optimal for transfer paper printing
- Vacuum print bed which can be adjusted by software to optimize media flatness and improve drop placement accuracy
Hot Air Drying Units
- Multiple hot air drying units
- Smooth and even drying of sublimation ink in high speed
- Suitable for high ink density on low paper grammage
Ready to Print
Capping and Cleaning Station
- Four wiper blades for automated cleaning
- Automated cleaning reduces downtime
- Special cleaning fluid for high performance and high stability
Print Head Protection
Media Jam Sensor
- Jam Sensor on both sides of the carriage
- Detects wrinkled media and prevents head strikes and media jams
- Ensures increased print head lifetime
Variable Droplet Printing
High Quality Printing
- High quality printing due to variable sized droplets
- Using drop sizes; 5,7 and 12 picolitre in all print modes
Optical Banding Reduction
- OBR (Optical Banding Reduction) prints passes in gradation-like tone by dispersing ink drops between the passes, which reduces banding, uneven drying of the ink and bidirectional stripe
- OBR can be set in the software in range
Inchiostri TEX
- Ottimizzato per la stampa diretta e su carta transfer
- Sviluppato per le testine di stampa Kyocera® KJ4B
- Eccellente efficienza di trasferimento
- Velocità di stampa più elevate per una maggiore produttività
- Eccellente affidabilità di stampa e gamma di colori superiore
- Asciugatura rapida per stampe ad alta velocità
- Disponibile in quattro colori CMYK

Print Heads
Kyocera KJ4B
4 Print Heads
Total 2,656 nozzles
Drop Size 5/7/12 pl
Maximum Printing Width 1900 mm
Carriage Speed 1.2 m/s
RTR (Roll-To-Roll)
Tension-adjustable continuous winding/unwinding control technology
Draft Mode 320 m2/h
Production Mode 240 m2/h
Quality Mode 165 m2/h
Length x Width x Height
4200 x 1550 x 1900 mm
Weight 1700 kg
Printer and Heater Power 5 kW + 18 kW
Power Supply AC 380V/ 220V
Compressed Air 0.6MPA / 0.15m3/hr
Transfer paper & Polyester textiles
Max. Media Width 1950 mm
Media Thickness Maximum 2 mm
Max. roll weight 200 kg
Signracer TEX
Available Colours CMYK
Ink Package 5 L bottle
Main Ink Tank Capacity 10 L with level sensor